“With a grandmother who crocheted, and a mother whose part-time job was seaming the sides of woolen garments, it is no wonder that Megan Hansen-Knarhoi learned to stitch and bitch at an early age... Weighty matters get translated into a few looping yarns, hung up for patient passersby to unravel. For once, the artist is content to pose questions about art, craft, beauty and ugliness without the answers being all sewn up.”
– Linda Tyler
Megan Hansen-Knarhoi is an artist for whom the crochet hook is as much a tool for contemporary art installations as it is for making jerseys. With humour and flair, Hansen-Knarhoi mixes up the familiar with the sacred, or as she herself describes it: ‘domestic and ecclesiastic ritual’. In her recent work she has drawn on the omnipresent image of Jesus, in what can be seen as an ironic homage to the kitsch qualities of religious iconography. In Jesus the artist creates a giant motif of the Christ figure, reproduced in wool directly onto the gallery wall.