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11 March 2023

Audio described exhibition tour – Who can think, what can think

Bailee Lobb, Orange Cathedral, 2021 (detail). Hand-dyed nylon, mixed plastic, magnets, electrical fan, polyester. Approx. 2000 x 4000 x 1800mm. Installation comprising five elements with variable dimensions. Photo by Sam Harnett.


Who can think, what can think is an exhibition that challenges definitions of ‘intelligence’ in relation to human and non-human cognition by embracing understandings of biodiversity and neurodiversity and confronting the troubling history of categorising intelligence, that has led to certain groups of people being excluded. The presentation of the exhibition has been consciously designed to be more inclusive, not only to neurodiverse audiences, but also disabled visitors.

Led by Nicola Owen
Audio Described Aotearoa Ltd

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
