Learning outcomes

Visual arts, levels 3–4

Understanding the arts in context

During our pre-visit exercises we will develop our ideas and understanding about the kinds of technology used by different people, e.g. children and adults, and how paintings can be created and experienced.

Developing ideas

During our pre-visit exercises we will develop our ideas and understanding about the kinds of technology used by different people, e.g. children and adults, and how paintings can be created and experienced.

Developing practical knowledge

During our visit we will use colour, shape, pattern, scale and other art-making tools to create an abstract painting that represents the kinds of technology we use.

Communicating and interpreting

During this school programme we will share our ideas and thoughts about the art we see and make. We will listen to how others have created their art.


Geometry and measurement

During our pre-visit exercise we will explore how measurement plays an important part in making an abstract painting. We will use methods of measuring to help create close representations of the objects we are drawing.


Nature of technology: characteristics of technology

During our pre-visit exercise we will explore how technology has developed from generation to generation. We will also explore how technology has influenced art and the way we make it.

Key competencies

At Te Tuhi all our workshops are designed with these key competencies in mind:


Success criteria: I know I will be successful if I…

  • Share my opinions about the ideas we are discussing about the artworks
  • Share my questions and confusions I have about the artworks and how they are represented
  • Add to other people’s ideas in group discussion

Using language, symbols and texts

Success criteria: I know I will be successful if I…

  • Make connections and think deeply about the artworks I see
  • Listen carefully to the specialised art language that the Te Tuhi facilitator shares with us
  • Respond in oral, visual or written form when sharing my ideas

Relating to others

Success criteria: I know I will be successful if I…

  • Listen actively when people are sharing their opinions
  • Take my turn to share my ideas and opinions
  • Work quietly in the art studio so that others can think and concentrate on their artwork to produce their best work

Participating and contributing

Success criteria: I know I will be successful if I…

  • Use my time productively by engaging in sharing my ideas
  • Listen actively to the ideas of others
  • Take a risk and share my questions or confusions to help my understanding

Managing self

Success criteria: I know I will be successful if I…

  • Use a quiet voice when I am in a gallery space so other visitors can reflect on the artworks without disturbance
  • Walk quietly and sensibly and show respect in the public gallery and art studio
  • Use the gallery time to think deeply about what I am seeing and link my experiences to the artwork (important ‘think time’)


Please note, our pre-visit lessons are not supported by Chrome. Please email us at schools@tetuhi.art if you would like them sent via email. Alternatively, pre-visits can be downloaded in browsers such as Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

→ Now Loading – Teacher information
→ Now Loading – Pre-visit lesson 1
→ Now Loading – Pre-visit lesson 2
→ Now Loading – Pre-visit lesson 3

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