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20 April 2023

The chronicle of cognition – Ruth Lemon and Richard Durham

Richard Durham and Ruth Lemon, Hohi 1816, 2022. Image courtesy of artists.


Join Richard Durham and Ruth Lemon for a live play through of Hohi 1816 a story-exploration game about early Māori and Pākehā relations leading to Aotearoa's first Western-style school. In this cooperative story-exploration board game, you journey back to 1793 and explore the people, places and events related to the opening of the school in 1816. Over three chapters, you will gain a perspective on why it was so hard for Māori and Pākehā to set up equitable educational relationships.

The game play will run for an hour and is suitable for ages +12. Within the context of The chronicle of <cognition>, Hohi 1816 provides insight into how approaches to education have changed throughout Aotearoa’s history and is an example of how game design can be an accessible alternative to rote learning.

About Richard Durham
Richard Durham is a game designer with a research focus on education and play, and the Curriculum Development Manager at Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries, University of Auckland.

About Ruth Lemon
Ruth Lemon is a doctoral candidate and lecturer at Faculty of Education and Social Work, Te Puna Wānanga, University of Auckland, whose research includes Māori and Pākehā histories of education in Aotearoa.

About The chronicle of <cognition>
This event is part of the series of live events that are contributing to The chronicle of <cognition>, a collaborative project tracing histories of human and non-human cognition through live events, online contributions and a large-scale wall work.

With an emphasis on neurodiversity in Aotearoa, The chronicle of <cognition> project addresses how the topic of cognition inherently intersects with global discussions concerning white supremacy, disability, gender, sexuality, animal rights, biodiversity and artificial intelligence. Each contributor to the live event series has been asked to present a narrative thread that situates this discussion in relation to key events in a range of disciplines, such as science, technology, policy, activism, art, film or literature.

For more about The chronicle of <cognition> click here. The chronicle of <cognition> is part of the group exhibition Who can think, what can think

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
