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07 July 2001 —
22 July 2001

Australian Bounty

Australian Bounty, 2001 (installation view).
Australian Bounty, 2001 (installation view).
Australian Bounty, 2001 (installation view).
Australian Bounty, 2001 (installation view).
Barbara Macey, Flashing Feathers, Mist + Blossoms, (installation view).
Bronwen Gibbs, Shoreline #1, (installation view).
Carol Wilkes, Morning, Noon + Night, (detail).
Deb Nichol, Australian Bounty, (detail).
Deborah McArdle, Our Land, (installation view).
Dijanne Ceval, Otway Forest Ferns, (installation view).
Dijanne Cevaal, Otway Forest Ferns, (detail).
Jan Preston, Bush Green Leaves, (installation view).
Judy Hooworth, Songs of the Women 2, (installation view).
Leonie Andrews, Dorrigo - Edge of the Rain Forest, (installation view).
Marjorie Coleman, Sunburst, (installation view).
Sue Dennis, Mining Exploration, (installation view).
Susan Mathews, The Honeyeaters, (installation view).
Susan Mathews, The Honeyeaters, (detail).


Australian Bounty is an exhibition of 30 quilts by 30 of the top quilters from Australia. The works are all on the theme of the natural environment of Australia. The exhibition has been shown in France and Britain, as well as Australia.

Curated by renowned quilter Dijanne Cervaal, the exhibition features work that celebrates and depicts each artist’s feelings and reactions to the Australian landscape and its flora and fauna. Ms Cervaal says ‘We live in a land that has the magnificent gift of raw nature, of the earth offering many riches, of ancient heritage in which the Aboriginal people were the custodians of what this land offered... My hope is that these art quilts will create an awareness that the Bounty presented by this work is something that will be protected and preserved for the future.’


→ Australian Bounty, 2001, exhibition card

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
