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15 November 2014 —
15 February 2015

Caryline Boreham: State Space

Caryline Boreham, Archives New Zealand, Manukau, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Auckland Airport, 2014 (installation view). Inkjet billboard prints. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Caryline Boreham, Archives New Zealand, 2013. Inkjet billboard print. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Auckland.
Caryline Boreham, Manukau, 2013. Inkjet billboard print. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Auckland.
Caryline Boreham, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Auckland Airport, 2013. Inkjet billboard print. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland


In her earlier body of work State Space, Boreham investigated interior spaces in New Zealand institutions such as military bases, police stations and nuclear science facilities. Although these functional institutional spaces are depicted devoid of people, traces of their presence are revealed through the arrangement of barrier ropes, chairs, and acts of graffiti.

For the Te Tuhi billboards, Boreham expands upon State Space by introducing digital colour blocks into these utilitarian sites to conceal graffiti and marks that suggest human interaction. This act of concealing or censoring mirrors the authoritarian functionality inherent in these spaces.


→ Spatial interiors – EyeContact

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
