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30 April 2005 —
08 June 2005

Deborah Crowe:

Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).
Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).
Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).
Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).
Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).
Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).
Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005 (installation view).


[Construct] is a large-scale installation by Deborah Crowe, which explore the relationship between architectural and woven constructions.

Visitors become actively engaged as they move through the three-dimensional artwork, a maze-like structure which incorporates large timber frames, reflective surfaces and light projection. Sarah Treadwell, Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland School of Architecture says of the installation:

‘... spatially complex the frame is like a worked up axonometric drawing that flips space inside out, reversing habitual spatial understandings.

The installation presents the possibilities of space lightly contained, intermittently structured. A system of negotiations is initiated between air and solidity in a representation of permeability; interior space weaves from one side of the frame to the other.’

[Construct] investigates a blurring between the planning and construction processes commonly associated with an architectural structure and the planning and organisation of formal elements in a woven textile form, all the while immersing the visitor in a labyrinth of real and virtual spaces.


→ Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005, publication


→ Deborah Crowe: [Construct], 2005, exhibition card

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
