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01 December 2018 —
10 March 2019

Elisabeth Pointon:
Special offer.

Elisabeth Pointon, Special offer., 2018. Inflatable blimp and gold paint. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett
Elisabeth Pointon, Special offer., 2018 (installation view). Inflatable blimp and gold paint. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.


For Te Tuhi’s Project Wall, Elisabeth Pointon’s Special offer. features the installation of a custom-designed, two-metre-wide, red, inflatable, advertorial blimp. Pointon draws on her experience working within the capitalist structure of a luxury car dealership, with the blimp operating as both advertisement and art object.

Self-identifying as a double-agent - occupying the role of Bookings Coordinator and artist - Pointon investigates the shared spaces of corporate life and the relationships inherent within them. Specifically, she is interested in the ways these spaces may contribute to what she calls a “collective isolation”. Pointon plays with and subverts language that is native to these environments, such as empty affirmations or promotional superlative, in order to redefine and re-imagine these cultural spaces.


→ WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT: In Conversation with Elisabeth Pointon – Hainamana

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
