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05 March 2011 —
19 June 2011

Elliot Collins:
Held Together

Elliot Collins, Held Together, 2011 (installation view). Nails, string. Courtesy of Tim Melville Gallery. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Elliot Collins, Held Together, 2011 (installation view). Nails, string. Courtesy of Tim Melville Gallery. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Elliot Collins, Held Together, 2011 (detail). Nails, string. Courtesy of Tim Melville Gallery. Photo by Sam Hartnett.


Auckland based artist Elliot Collins has become known for creating thought provoking paintings featuring whimsical phrases imbedded within abstract colour fields. In such works Collins uses phrases, often gleaned from daily conversations and observations, to create poetic reflections on art and life.

For the Te Tuhi Drawing Wall, Collins makes a significant new development on his earlier work by creating a collaborative wall drawing. Using coloured string rather than paint, Collins will invite a number of different community groups to literally tie together the phrase "The World is held together so thinly". The phrase suggests that human society is based upon fragile systems such as political governance, the economy, urban infrastructure or the natural environment. However, like all language the phrase holds a raft of assumptions that are open to interpretation. In this sense, by inviting interaction Collins allows the possibility for the phrase to take on new complex meanings - as the work is re-drawn from different collective and individual perspectives.

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
