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07 March 2009 —
12 April 2009

F for Fake

Ronnie van Hout.
F for Fake, 2009 (installation view).
Ronnie van Hout, Ersatz (standing figure), 2007 (installation view). Mixed media. Courtesy of James Wallace Arts Trust. Photo by Victor Chai.
Ralph Hotere.
Shigeyuki Kihara.
Rod Dickinson & Tom McCarthy, Greenwich Degree Zero (installation view). Mixed media. courtesy of the artists. Photo by Victor Chai.
Rod Dickinson & Tom McCarthy, Greenwich Degree Zero (installation view). Mixed media. courtesy of the artists. Photo by Victor Chai.
Dane Mitchell.
Dane Mitchell.


In this bewildering new world of Photoshop, CGI and plastic surgery, how do we know what’s real anymore?

F for Fake is interested in the idea of mischief as both an act of play and as a political gesture. Taking Orson Wells’ infamous film as its title and starting point, the exhibition looks at tricks, counterfeits, confusion, pranks, re-enactment and repeats. F for Fake backtracks, does a double-up, and asks-what might we learn from repetition?

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
