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22 September 1989 —
22 October 1989

Gate Door Lintel

Chris Booth, Island, 1989 (installation view), steel, North Island basalt & South Island greywacke & granite, 4500mm x 5000mm
Chris Booth, Island, 1989 (detail), steel, North Island basalt & South Island greywacke & granite, 4500mm x 5000mm
Kura Te Waru Rewiri, Whenua-Wahine-Whenua, 1989 (installation view), acrylic on two hardboard columns, 2000mm x 300mm x 300mm
Gate Door Lintel, 1989 (installation view)
Gate Door Lintel, 1989 (installation view)
Gate Door Lintel, 1989 (installation view)
Paratene Matchitt, The Gate, 1989 (installation view), wood, iron, 3000mm x 3600mm
Paratene Matchitt, The Gate, 1989 (detail), wood, iron, 3000mm x 3600mm
Gate Door Lintel, 1989 (installation view)
Diana Firth, Diana Dors, 1989 (detail), mixed media on demolition kauri, 2200mm x 1600mm
Diana Firth, Diana Dors, 1989, mixed media on demolition kauri, 2200mm x 1600mm
Charlotte Fisher, Beachcombers Lintel, 1989, driftwood, flotsam, copper, rimu and enamel paint, 550mm x 2200mm
Charlotte Fisher, Beachcombers Lintel, 1989 (detail), driftwood, flotsam, copper, rimu and enamel paint, 550mm x 2200mm
Gate Door Lintel, 1989 (installation view)
Jeff Thomson, I Am The Door, 1989 (detail), wood construction, 2000mm x 1500mm x 1300mm
Christine Hellyar, White Heads Hands and Feet, 1989 (installation view), China cupboard, mixed media assemblage, 2400mm x 1400mm x 20mm
Christine Hellyar, White Heads Hands and Feet, 1989 (detail), China cupboard, mixed media assemblage, 2400mm x 1400mm x 20mm
Bronwynne Cornish, Doorway Stone I, II, III, 1989, stoneware ceramic
Bronwynne Cornish, Doorway Stone I, 1989 (detail), stoneware ceramic
Biz Dempster, Garden Gate for Hector Street, 1989, acrylic on kauri gate, 1220mm x 1380mm
Pat Hanly, Suzanne Johnson, Tony Willot, Ben Hanly, T Lights, 1989, top and side lights, leadlight construction, 1380mm x 1200mm.
Peter Gibson Smith, Origin of a Species (Ophis), 1989, encaustic on plywood construction and ink on paper with acrylic backdrop, 3650mm x 2720mm
Dick Frizzell, Solomons Ship, 1989 (installation view), painted wood construction, 2300mm x 1600mm x 350mm
Gate Door Lintel, 1989 (installation view)
Anthony Morris, Persephone, 1989 (installation view), wood with ceramic cladding, 2700mm x 1700mm x 200mm
Anthony Morris, Persephone, 1989 (detail), wood with ceramic cladding, 2700mm x 1700mm x 200mm
Peter Rogers, Cosmos Garden Grills, 1989, patinated copper, brass and glass gates, 2200mm x 2800mm


Gate Door Lintel focuses on the notion of gateways, doors and lintels made by a group of invited artists, sculptors, craftspeople and architects. The choice of such a diversity of backgrounds of the people involved was to encourage a variety of responses within the show as it explored such a familiar yet significant item of our lives, and indeed, cultures.

Some of the people involved include Chris Booth, Bronwynne Cornish, Don Driver, Diana Firth, Dick Frizzell, Graham Lane, Para Matchitt, Jeff Thomson and Warren Viscoe. The exhibition will be utilising all of the gallery spaces including the outside Sculpture Court. It will turn the Gallery into a veritable maze of artworks produced especially for the show.


→ Art in all forms, 1989
→ Gateway to new decade, New Zealand Herald, 03-10-1989
→ Outstanding work in a fine tradition, New Zealand Herald, 05-10-1989

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
