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05 October 2002 —
24 November 2002

Glen Hayward:
Those Old Chestnuts

Glen Hayward, Those Old Chestnuts, 2002 (installation view)
Glen Hayward, C is for Carrot, 2002 (detail), pine, paint, 6 units, largest 750mm x 200mm diameter
Glen Hayward, C is for Carrot, 2002 (detail), pine, paint, 6 units, largest 750mm x 200mm diameter
Glen Hayward, T is for Tarot, 2002 (detail), custom-wood, varnish, 10 units, largest 850mm x 450mm x 300mm
Glen Hayward, T is for Tarot, 2002 (detail), custom-wood, varnish, 10 units, largest 850mm x 450mm x 300mm


Those Old Chestnuts refers to a fable Glen Hayward has been thinking about which explores the difference between looking at art and ‘seeing it’ - thinking about what and why an artwork has been created, even when it looks like an everyday object.

Battered old boxes carved out of custom-wood represent the artist's interests and the way people organise objects in the world. One inspiration for this work was a pile of old boxes found in a disused section under his flat and the artist's desire to sculpt commonplace everyday objects that would traditionally not have warranted elevation to the sculptural realm.

By doing this the artist is exploring how people react when they discover that what had seemed like a pile of old boxes turns out to be perfectly rendered carved sculptures.


Glen Hayward: Those Old Chestnuts, 2002, publication


Glen Hayward: Those Old Chestnuts, 2002, exhibition card
Glen Hayward: Those Old Chestnuts, 2002, exhibition pamphlet

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
