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27 October 1990 —
25 November 1990

Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970

Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (installation view).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (installation view).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (installation view).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (installation view).
Herbert List, Flower Shop, 1930. 510mm x 410mm.
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).
Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990 (detail).


Aucklanders will be able to see photographs by an acclaimed German photographer Herbert List, when The Fisher Gallery presents Photographs 1930 -1970 from 27 October until 25 November.

This comprehensive exhibition surveys the career of the West German photographer Herbert List. It covers work from 1930 through to the 1970s and represents the photographer’s diverse output. His photographic world has been described as charged with a multitude of psychological meanings. ‘His portraits of well known figures such as Picasso and Cocteau are his most widely recognized works.’

List was a master of composition. ‘Even his most abstracted images maintain a strict sense of order, while some of his portraits are stiff and over dramatic, there is no denying his superior craftsmanship. Often the subjects in his photographs seem emotionally distant, so that attractive surface impressions gloss over any psychological insights.’


→ Compelling contrasts from List, New Zealand Herald, 08-11-1990


→ Herbert List Photographs 1930-1970, 1990, exhibition card

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