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13 September 2003 —
19 October 2003

Ina Johann:

Ina Johann, near and elsewhere, 2003 (video still). 5 mins 33 secs.
Ina Johann, near and elsewhere, 2003 (video still). 5 mins 33 secs.
Ina Johann, near and elsewhere, 2003 (video still). 5 mins 33 secs.


German born artist Ina Johann now lives in Christchurch and crossXover continues her interest in reflecting her reality of living in two different cultural landscapes. While recording and observing time we all increasingly spend in ‘non-places’, like airports, transits, trains, shopping malls, Johann draws her focus and attention concurrently onto the local and individual, thus collective environments around us.
The passage of time, the preciousness of human labour, the beauty of banal things and the serendipity of life all contributes to Johann’s work. She asks questions around cultural identity creating works, which invite the viewer to reflect on experiences connected with travelling through and living at different places. The viewer gets exposed to her strange and rather uncomfortable crossXover zones. She’s out to simultaneously create a zone of comfort and uncertainty, important opposites of our lives.
Ina Johann holds the German equivalent of a MFA and continues to work and live in New Zealand and Germany.


→ Ina Johann: crossXover, 2003, exhibition card

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
