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19 July 2003 —
10 August 2003

Margaret Elliot:
Strange Territories

Margaret Elliot’s exhibition Strange Territories continues her response to numerous trips to the Antarctic region. Her explorations of relationships between the natural and the man made, the macro and the micro through paintings, deny traditionally coherent landscape imagery. Instead, the work highlights an interest in the discovery of commonalities, rhythm, movement and change. Her emphasis on an ambiguity of scale encourages such readings - mountains, tents and tire tracks all echoing the same peaks and valleys. Elliot emphasizes also the importance of the ‘Sublime’ in relation to her work - in its dualities of reading. Surface and subtext. It is important to remember the latent danger of a landscape which outwardly reflects otherworldly beauty and majesty.


→ Margaret Elliot: Strange Territories, 2003, exhibition card

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
