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08 September 2001 —
09 December 2001

Mark 7

Fatu Feu
Fatu Feu
Steve Woodward, Vent, 2001 (installation view). Basalt stone, fibre optics.
Ian George, Mariri
Ian George, Mariri
Jo Barwick, The Kiss, 2001 (installation view). Bronze.
Jo Barwick, The Kiss, 2001 (installation view). Bronze.
Richard Cooper, 2001 (detail). Steel.
Richard Cooper, 2001 (installation view). Steel.
Steve Woodward, Split Earth, Vent, 2001 (detail). Basalt stone, fibre optics.
Steve Woodward, Split Earth, Vent, 2001 (installation view). Basalt stone, fibre optics.
Virginia King, 2001 (detail).
Virginia King, 2001 (installation view).


Seven prominent New Zealand sculptors explore ways to make their mark in the sculpture court of te tuhi - the mark. The exhibition features the work of well-known sculptors including Fatu Feu'u, Ian George, and Virginia King. Mark 7 is curated by Richard Cooper, and also includes work by the Manukau City sculptor. Richard Cooper's well-known monumental work on the theme of the family was chosen to mark the millennium in Manukau City and stands on the corner of Wiri Station and Great South Roads.

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
