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11 February 2015 —
16 February 2015

These stories began before we arrived

Chu ChungTeng, Taiwan Taiwan, 2011 (installation view). Dual-channel HD video 100 mins.
These stories began before we arrived, 2015 (installation view). Taipei International Book Exhibition.
These stories began before we arrived, 2015 (installation view). Taipei International Book Exhibition.
Nathan Pohio, The feral horses of Natasha von Braun, 2015 (installation view). Dual-channel projection 5 mins 20 secs.
Nathan Pohio, The feral horses of Natasha von Braun, 2015 (installation view). Dual-channel projection 5 mins 20 secs.
Chang En-Man, Arena, 2012 video 7 mins 51 secs.
Chang En-Man, Arena, 2012 video 7 mins 51 secs.
Chang En-Man, Arena, 2012 video 7 mins 51 secs.
Shannon Te Ao, Two shoots that stretch far out, 2013-14. Single-channel video, colour + sound 13 mins 22 secs, cinematography by Iain Frengley. Courtesy of Mossman, Wellington.
Shannon Te Ao, Two shoots that stretch far out, 2013-14. Single-channel video, colour + sound 13 mins 22 secs, cinematography by Iain Frengley. Courtesy of Mossman, Wellington.
Teng Chao-Ming, Confession, 2011 (installation view). Text on lightbox, dimensions vary.
Teng Chao-Ming, Becoming a different person, 2011 (installation view). Red neon, three separate power switches, 730mm diameter.
These stories began before we arrived, 2015 (installation view). Taipei International Book Exhibition.


Histories − known and unknown, written and unwritten − form the basis of These stories began before we arrived, an exhibition of artwork by New Zealand and Taiwanese artists. This poetic and contemplative exhibition acknowledges the past migration of people across the Pacific, from Taiwan to Aotearoa New Zealand, by sharing stories of belonging and loss. The artworks explore themes of collective identity, land use, international trade, ancestral knowledge and societal order. Together, these works build connections between distinct histories and propose potential futures.


→ These stories began before we arrived – Publication

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
