In October 2023, artists Sione Monū (Tongan), Caitlin Head (Niuean/Pakeha), Chevron Hassett (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine/Pakeha), Latamai Katoa (Tongan/Pakeha), Tira Walsh (Ngāti Wairere, Ngāti Hauā and Tainui) Reina Sutton (Solomon Is) attended the second roadie to Te Tai Rāwhiti, Gisborne.

The kaupapa of the visit was to attend Te Ara-I-Whiti the annual light festival in Gisborne which showcases contemporary Māori Art, and Māori artists. Further, to tautoko the opening of artist in resident Geoff Matautia's exhibition at Hoea! Gallery centred on Toi Māori and Te Ao Māori.

The wider road trip also included a wānanga, marae stay and artist and curator-lead conversations including:

→ An artist lunch with Arts Foundation Tumu Toi laureate Lindah Lepou
→ A wānanga with Kauae Raro Collective founder Sarah Huson, harvesting pigments at Ahiaua, Whakatane.
→ An overnight marae stay at Ōmarumutu Marae, Whakatane including Pūrakau with tangata whenua, Jonina Temple.
→ A walkthrough of Te Ara-I-Whiti festival with curator Melaine Tangaere Baldwin.
→ Hoea! Gallery exhibition opening and meet and greet with local artists.
→ Sharing of toi kaupapa at Rangiwaho Marae with Steve Gibbs.
→ An artist talk with Chevron Hassett for his Waikirikiri Park Mural Project in Kaiti, Gisborne.

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