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22 July 2023 —
22 July 2023

Listening Tour of Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear

Denise Batchelor, Maureen Lander & Stìobhan Lothian, Ngaru Paewhenua, 2023 (detail). Dried harakeke strips, single-channel video and sound. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.


Join artists Phil Dadson, Rachel Shearer and James McCarthy, together with curator Janine Randerson, to attune your senses on a Listening Tour of our current exhibition, Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear. Featuring a range of immersive artworks, Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear offers different ways to attune our bodies to the sounds and sensations of our changing environment. By keeping a ‘weather eye’ and a ‘weather ear’, we can seek to radically reimagine our relationship to our warming climes.  

Dadson, Shearer and McCarthy will walk with participants through the sound and sensory elements of their artworks, preceded by a short introduction by Randerson. 

The tour will also be audio described by Audio Described Aotearoa. For participants with access requirements, please feel free to email us at or phone us on +64 9 577 0138 and we can make sure to accommodate you. 

About Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear

Weather is not just happening to us; we are happening to the weather. As our experience of the climate crisis intensifies, Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear presents artworks as sensory alerts to the new weathers, dislodging our hold on scientific facts and offering a means to radically reimagine our relationship to our climate by keeping a ‘weather eye’ and a ‘weather ear’. The exhibition is Te Tuhi’s contribution to the World Weather Network, a platform connecting 28 arts organisations across the earth in artist-orientated ‘weather stations.’ 

Te Tuhi remains open throughout the Eastern Busway construction period. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
