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04 Pipiri 2023 —
30 Hōngongoi 2023

Weather Eye, Weather Ear

Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear, 2023 (installation view). Curated by Janine Randerson. Works by James McCarthy (right) and Phil Dadson (left). Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett
Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear, 2023 (installation view). Curated by Janine Randerson. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Maureen Lander, Wave Skirt, 2023. Harakeke tags, muka and laser-cut acrylic. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Maureen Lander, Wave Skirt, 2023 (detail). Harakeke tags, muka and laser-cut acrylic. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Phil Dadson, Kōea O Tāwhirimātea – Weather Choir: Voicing the Wind, 2023. Single-channel video. 17 mins. Video and audio content by Breath of Weather Collective. Digital map by Area Design. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Phil Dadson, Kōea O Tāwhirimātea – Weather Choir: Voicing the Wind, 2023. Single-channel video. 17 mins. Video and audio content by Breath of Weather Collective. Digital map by Area Design. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Denise Batchelor, Maureen Lander & Stìobhan Lothian, Ngaru Paewhenua, 2023. Dried harakeke strips, single-channel video and sound. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Denise Batchelor, Maureen Lander & Stìobhan Lothian, Ngaru Paewhenua, 2023 (detail). Dried harakeke strips, single-channel video and sound. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Denise Batchelor, Maureen Lander & Stìobhan Lothian, Ngaru Paewhenua, 2023 (detail). Dried harakeke strips, single-channel video and sound. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Paul Cullen, Untitled, part of a series of drawings towards Weather Stations, 2009-09. Watercolour. 210 x 297 mm. Courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Paul Cullen, Untitled, 1977. Ink on paper. 330 x 447 mm. Courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Paul Cullen, Weather Stations, 2009. Galvanised steel framing and concrete, hosing, pipes and glass vitrines. Dimensions variable. Courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive. Reassembled by Ammon Ngakuru and J. A Kennedy. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Paul Cullen, Weather Stations, 2009. Galvanised steel framing and concrete, hosing, pipes and glass vitrines. Dimensions variable. Courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive. Reassembled by Ammon Ngakuru and J. A Kennedy. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Paul Cullen, Weather Stations, 2009 (detail). Galvanised steel framing and concrete, hosing, pipes and glass vitrines. Dimensions variable. Courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive. Reassembled by Ammon Ngakuru and J. A Kennedy. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
<strong>Paul Cullen</strong> <em>Weather Stations</em>, 2009 (detail) galvanised steel framing and concrete, hosing, pipes and glass vitrines dimensions variable courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive reassembled by Ammon Ngakuru and J. A Kennedy photo by Sam Hartnett
Paul Cullen, Weather Stations, 2009 (detail). Galvanised steel framing and concrete, hosing, pipes and glass vitrines. Dimensions variable. Courtesy of Paul Cullen Archive. Reassembled by Ammon Ngakuru and J. A Kennedy. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Phil Dadson, Ngā-hau-e-whā, 2022. Mast-style aeolian harp. Pinus radiata, two polystyrene box resonators, nylon wires, screws, stainless steel bolts, rimu bridges, epoxy resin, acrylic paint, contact microphones and cables. Commissioned by Te Tuhi, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear, 2023 (installation view). Curated by Janine Randerson. Photo by Sam Hartnett.


Nō ngā āinga mai o te huarere i roanga o tētahi tau, e whakaatu atu ana ēnei mahinga toi i ngā tohu huarere me ngā matakitenga o te ngākau tangata – te wera, te hau, te pōuri me te totetote o te ua. Ko te huarere – ko te rere, ko te huahua, ko te kōhauhau o Papa. Nā ngā ringatoi nei, kei te kite anō tātou i te wehi o Tāwhirimātea me ētahi atu momo tipua, i a tātou e kaupare atu ana i ngā karawhiuwhiu kino o te huarere – e kīia ana 'me he kōtuku rerenga tahi', heoi, kāore i roa, kua puta mai anō.

He 'tumu huarere' a Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear ki Te Tuhi. He whare e whakapāoho atu ana i ngā 'pūrongo huarere' e ono mā te ipurangi. Mai i te wā o Matariki i te tau 2022, tae atu ki te weheruatanga o te Kōanga me te Ngahuru, tae noa mai ki a tātou o ināianei, i te Ihu o Hinetakurua i te tau 2023. E āia ana te huarere, e whakakorikorihia ana ngā mahinga toi e ngā tipua o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa – e whakawhiti ana i ngā ākau o Aotearoa, o Rarotonga, o Hāmoa me Niue. E kōhimuhimu ana, e hāmama ana ngā hau: e piki ake ana, e heke iho ana ngā kupu me ngā tohu ki runga i te mahana me te mākū o te kōhauhau me te waipuketanga o ō tātou motu.

E whakarongo ana tō tātou 'taringa huarere' kl te tangi o ngā manu me te whaititiri – e papā ana, e rere atu ana. Otirā, e whakaohooho ana tō tātou 'mata huarere' i ō tātou tairongo me ngā taputapu mātai huarere a te ao pūtaiao. Nō te putanga mai o te kupu 'awa kōhauhau' ki te iwi whānui, ka pā mai te āwhā, ka rongo ō tātou tinana ki ngā mamae me te hā o te ua ki tētahi taha, me te kapanga o ngā ngaru ā-hiko e ngāoki haere ana i te mata o te pūrere ua ki tētahi atu taha. Kei tēnei whakaaturanga, e huraina mai ana e te orowai, e te kāmera rānei ngā wairua o ngā roto kōpaka me ngā huka ā-tai. E whakahaua ana ngā tira huarere e ngā karawhiu o Tāwhiri me ngā titonga ā-hiko e puta noa mai ana i ngā pūoko ki tawhiti. Ehara i te mea e tū toka noa ana te nuinga o ēnei mahinga toi – kei te whanake haere tonu. He wā tōna ka wairuhi kau ana tātou, he wā anō ka hiki anō te wairua.

Ehara i te mea e whakapāngia anake tātou e te huarere, kei te whakapā atu hoki te tangata ki ngā āhuatanga nei. Waihoki, ehara i te mea kei te utua ngā nama nui o tēnei parekura ki te ao tūroa e te katoa o te hunga tāngata, arā atu anō ngā rironga a te ringa kaha o tēnei aituā nui ki runga i a Papatūānuku: he whenua, he taiao, he kīrere, he tangata. Ko Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear te takoha a Te Tuhi ki te World Weather Network, he whakahaere e tūhonohono ana i ngā whare toi, e 28 te nui, huri noa i te ao, kia āta whakatakotohia e rātou ō rātou wheako mō ngā huarere hou. Hei whakanui i tēnei kāhui, kua tono atu mātou ki a Nujoom Alghanem, he ringatoi nō te whenua o Emirati ki te whakaatu i āna mahi ataata mai i tana pakipūmeka, arā, i Honey, Rain and Dust (2016). Kua tāia ngā wheako o te iwi o Emirati me he kāri pōhi nō āhurangi kē e whakaahua ana i ngā rā roa me ngā rā wera o te Raumati, e tatangi mai ana ngā oro o te kōraha me te hamumu o ngā pī e hāpai ana i te ora.



→ Essay by Janine Randerson
→ List of works
→ About the artists 
Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear digital programme
→ Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear e-publication

All exhibitions are currently offsite due to disruptions caused by the Pakuranga Eastern Busway construction. The building remains open for classes and other activities. 21 William Roberts Road, Pakuranga, is the best address to enter into navigation apps to guide you to the free parking at our door.
